Questions to ask yourself about security with Docker containers

1) How the image you put in the FROM was created. Who did it?2) Verify that it was not modified after its creation. Do you check the SHAsum or the md5sum?3) Check the content of the image. Use the software you need, nothing more. Don't add any more vulnerability entries.4) Scan for security vulnerabilities.5) Run…

Docker swarm and secrets

I am going to create a service with postgres using secrets in Swarm mode: /Users/aironman/gitProjects/udemy-docker-mastery/secrets-sample-1> ll 12:26 aironman@MacBook-Pro-de-AlonsoExecuting ls -lhtotal 8-rw-r--r-- 1 aironman staff 11B May 4 11:33 psql_user.txt█▓▒░aironman@MacBook-Pro-de-Alonso░▒▓██▓▒░ Wed Jun 16 12:26:44P/Users/aironman/gitProjects/udemy-docker-mastery/secrets-sample-1> bat psql_user.txt 12:26 aironman@MacBook-Pro-de-AlonsoFile: psql_user.txtmypsqluser Creating a secret user file with super secret username █▓▒░aironman@MacBook-Pro-de-Alonso░▒▓██▓▒░ Wed Jun 16 12:26:51P/Users/aironman/gitProjects/udemy-docker-mastery/secrets-sample-1> docker secret create…

An easy way to update your docker containers with Cron

Imagine that your colleagues are developing something that eventually becomes a docker container,we'll call it docker101tutorial, hosted in your private docker registry and you want to always have the latest version deployed on your Docker host, well, we could do something like this: Create a file with this content: #!/bin/sh if grep -Fqe "Image…