I have uploaded a container with a micro service in dockerhub, the first one, you always have to start with one 🙂 .
It’s a microservice or more like a dumb test service that is in charge of consuming periodically, every 5 seconds, an api with the current bitcoin quote, the json is saved in an instance in h2 memory and finally I push in a local kafka topic controlled by Zookeeper.

There are a few things missing,

  • like making a kafka consumer to pick up the json from that topic and keep it on an elastic server,
  • hook it on a kibana to see the bitcoin quote on an interface,
  • use kubernetes to control the scaling of containers,
  • create a small micro service that gives me the properties of each instance of the different microservices,
  • integrate Eureka,
  • integrate the framework Tram to have an authentic state management to control the transaction of the different microservices.
  • Integrate with a dockerized kafka container in order to no need to run locally.

A lot of things, but all of them necessary to be up to date with what is being done today in the design and development of distributed architectures.

You currently need to have zookeeper and kafka installed and running with the default values on your local machine. If you are using osx as in my case, you only need to run the brew install kafka command to have zookeeper and kafka installed.

zkServer start
kafka-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/server.properties
docker pull aironman/demo-quartz:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker run aironman/demo-quartz:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT



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